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Fridays, 6.00pm - 9.00pm

The LIFE Community Vision and Values 2024

Who We Are: We believe that the local church is multi-faceted like a beautiful diamond. All of the facets need one another and all of them together reflect the light and beauty of Jesus Christ out into the world

Our facet is very distinctive, by cooking together, eating together and discovering together, we believe that we encounter something of the Jesus who ate with many, we believe that this builds our relationships as a Baptist Community. We love and respect all of the other facets and are part of the Church in Axminster

God’s Vision for Us: We are called to be a faithful presence at Pippins, in our local communities, in our places of work and education, and to pray about all that He is doing in our midst

Our Values:

+ We respect that some of us are exploring faith, some of us have had faith for a short time and some for a long time. We all learn by digging deep into the Bible. We are all encouraged to hear God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and we honour one another’s learning styles

+ We desire to passionately and honestly follow Jesus and share His love wherever we are scattered during the week

+ We are warm hearted and want to be welcoming to all and are accepting of people’s life journeys

+ We trust each other, wanting our relationships to be authentic and real with each other and God

+ We are a faithful and prayerful presence at Pippins and are open to the Holy Spirit’s leading

+ We believe that ‘work’ is in the home, places of education, voluntary as well as paid

+ We are more than just our Friday gatherings - we are a community that shares life together

+ We simply love each other. We encourage one another in discovering and using our God-given gifts. We are delighted when each other are flourishing

+ We each honour that families are important and spending time with them is important too, therefore we pause our Friday Gatherings in the school holidays and honour family time

+ We are all learning to be servant hearted – we all muck in and we love having fun together!

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