The Axminster Hub - Drug and Alcohol Support
Drug and alcohol recovery project offering support to over 18s who wish to address their drug or alcohol use.
The Axminster Hub meets every Tuesday at Pippins and is a safe, friendly, and welcoming space.
Tuesdays 10.00pm - 2.00pm - Drop-in recovery café – if people are concerned about their alcohol and/or drug use, they can pop in for food, support and a conversation about self-referral.
Founded in 2016, The Axminster Hub is a three-way partnership between Together Devon East & Mid Team, Axminster Neighbourhood Police Team and the Local Churches Café Team Food and hospitality is at the heart of what we do.
You can access The Axminster Hub by popping in to the Pippins centre on a Tuesday between 10.00 and 2pm – access through the side patio doors.
You can have some lunch with us while you are here.
We also take referrals from partnership agencies such as our local GPs, and Axminster Police.
The building is closed to the general public on Tuesdays to ensure a confidential environment for everyone attending.
Services available at The Axminster Hub:
- Advice & information for drug and/or alcohol users or anyone concerned about someone’s use (friends, family, employers)
- Prescribing options, delivered in-house by specialist doctors
- Harm reduction interventions
- Group work programmes
- One to one recovery navigation
- Whole family support and interventions
- Recovery support and post treatment programmes and activities
- Accredited mentoring courses
We're also able to offer access to our Community Fridge Drop-in, where Hub visitors are welcome to take what they need. Frozen NOURISH meals can also be accessed at the Hub.
For further information on The Hub, please contact Rev Kay d'Albertanson (