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Little Pips

Fridays (during term-time), 1.30pm - 3.00pm

Run by Karen and other members of the Axminster Churches Together team, Little Pips is a friendly baby and toddler group with play, hands-on activities, songs and snacktime for preschool-aged children accompanied by their parents or carers.

For the children, we offer indoor and outdoor play with toys and equipment for learning fun. In a Pips session we usually have an art activity, playdough and the mud kitchen running. We end with a fruit snack and a sing song.

For the grown-ups it's a nice space to play with their children and a chance to meet other people. We welcome all carers, mums, dads, grandparents and childminders.

Children must remain accompanied.

Tea and coffee is available.

Pips sessions are free although we have a suggested donation of £1.00 per family per session. 

All team members are DBS checked through Axminster Churches Together.

All welcome with any preschool children, no need to contact beforehand, just drop on in!


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