Community Fridge Drop-in
Every Monday 9am-12 noon
In partnership with Axminster's West Street Co-op, Pippins Community Centre is home to a community fridge and rummage box containing still-fresh (but close to, or just past best-before date) food and produce that would otherwise be headed to landfill.
Our community fridge drop-in is open to all, free tea and toast, access to the Pippins pantry, the clothes rail and children’s toys.
Come and stay for a coffee & chat or just pop-in, have a rummage and go.
Please note, this is a much smaller provision than the local community foodbank (details of which can be found here).
We also support a community initiative called Nourish, which was set up to compliment the existing food bank offerings, providing wholesome home-cooked meals to those who are struggling in the Axminster area. Visit the Nourish facebook page here.
The community fridge and rummage box can also be accessed as part of other group sessions and is open to the public on a Job Club morning, Thursdays 9am-12 noon.