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Citizens Advice

Thursdays, 9.00am - 12.00pm

Citizens Advice can be accessed via Axminster Job Club on a Thursday morning - drop in to Pippins and the friendly Job Club team will be able to offer you a private space with a trained Adviser. a telephone or screen for a video call.

Citizens Advice provides free, impartial and confidential advice and information on a range of issues. We’re here to help and can assist with most everyday problems including entitlement to benefits, employment, housing, and debt.

Advice is also available on:





And more

Axminster's Citizen's Advice drop-in is available as part of the Axminster Job Club  on Thursday mornings at Pippins Community Centre


Devon Adviceline, 9.00am–4.00pm Monday–Friday: Telephone

T: 03444 111444​

It's free to attend - just drop in

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