Welcome to Pippins Community Centre
Community Hub, Room Hire & Venue Hire in Axminster, Devon
Join us for our special events in March!
About Pippins
A warm and welcoming community hub in the heart of Axminster.
Welcome to the Pippins Community Centre! Founded in its present form in October 2016, our lovely historic building is a bustling hub for the local community and home to a wide array of community groups and support services.
We have several comfortable and well-equipped rooms available to hire for birthday parties, events, meetings and groups, including our light and airy cafe-style community room - visit the Room Hire section to browse rooms and facilities or contact us with a booking enquiry.
Looking for a new project? Have a look through our current Volunteering opportunities.
Pippins available for Birthday Parties and events from £45 - email Liz: bookings@pippinscommunitycentre.co.uk
Pippins Windows Update
We are thankful for our beautiful safe space here at Pippins that is a support to many in our lovely town. Following our successful Boiler Emergency Appeal we are continuing to raise money to future proof our wonderful building.
Our current fundraiser is 'Operation Restore', to restore our windows in time for the Winter months a sense of restoring windows and restoring people. People who are supported by Pippins, restoring our windows. So far we have successfully restored our downstairs windows and are now working on the upstairs windows, four of which are the most rotten and they get hit hard by the weather. We are pushing to raise £10,000 for materials, replacement glass, scaffold hire and labour. Any monies left over will be used to repair our fire exits and fire escape stairs.
If you would like to give in order to future proof our beautiful safe space our bank details are:
Lloyds Bank
Pippins Community Centre
Reference Op Restore
Many thanks for reading this
Team Pippins

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Pippins Community Centre Safeguarding Information
Please note that Pippins Community Centre takes the Safeguarding of our children and our vulnerable adults very seriously. All of our volunteers and staff are DBS checked.
Anyone taking photographs or attempting to access any of our children's groups or vulnerable adult groups will be reported to Devon and Cornwall Police.
Any questions about this, please contact: Rev Kay d'Albertanson (Safeguarding Lead at Pippins)
Or Lola Combes (Deputy Safeguarding Lead at Pippins)
Anyone who has any safeguarding concerns, no matter how small it may seem, please speak to or email Rev Kay or Lola.
Information for Parents and Carers:
Welcome to Pippins Community Centre
Please remember this is a community space open to all.
Keep your child safe: pleases don't leave them unattended.
Children under 11 must never be left unaccompanied
Parents and carers remain responsible for their children at all times
If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of any child at Pippins, please contact Rev. Kay d'Albertanson (Safeguarding Lead), either in person or on 07901906988, or Lola Combes (Deputy Safeguarding Lead and Pippins Trustee) on 07780242475
What's on at Pippins
Below you can see a calendar of all of our activities. Alternatively, you can download the full schedule by clicking 'download schedule'.
N.B. Pippins is a Confidential space on a Tuesday between 9am – 4pm
Community Fridge Drop-in
Mondays, 9:00am - 12 noon
Free Tea and Toast, rummage in the Community Fridge and Freezer, access to the Pippins Pantry and more rummaging on the clothes rail!
Toys, mud kitchen and pavement art.
Bonfire Guitars
Free group for beginners.
More info from Simon m: 07764 196280
The Axminster Hub Drug + Alcohol Recovery Project
Tuesdays from 10.00am - 2.00pm
Drop-In Recovery Café for those concerned about their drug/alcohol use.
Yummy food, community fridge, Pippins Pantry, clothing rail + Nourish frozen meals.
Opportunity to self-refer for treatment.
Access through the side patio door
No Toy Left Behind
Wednesday 1-4pm
Thursday 1-4pm
Friday 1-4pm
Saturday 1-4pm
Pre-loved Toy Shop open upstairs. Ask for information about their Wonderful Workshops.
Axminster Community Café
5th + 9th March - 9am – 11.30am
2nd + 16th April - 9am - 11:30am
Tea, fresh coffee, bacon sarnies + baking
Singing Matters
Wednesdays, 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Ladies Choir
Please contact Grania Coleman for more info: m: 07771 730072
Plastic Free Axminster Litter Pick
16th April – Plastic Free Axminster Litter Pick
Meet at 9am then back to the café for a free cuppa and cake!
Axminster Job Club + Citizens' Advice
Thursdays 9am -12 noon
For the Citizen’s Advice East Devon Ring t: 01395 265070
Access to Pippins Pantry, Community Fridge + Nourish Frozen Meals
Thursday Prayers
2nd Thursdays of the month, 2-4pm
In the Upper Room to pray for all things Pippins
Crafting for Christmas
Thursday 14th & November 28th, 1-6pm
Our Crafting for Christmas FREE Event
See posters for details
1st, 3rd and 5th Thursdays, 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Mental health peer support for young people
The LIFE Community
2nd+4th Thursdays, 6-9pm
Community of Prayer
Rev Kay for more details m: 07901 906988
Friday Prayers
Friday Prayers, 9:30am
Upper Room
Axminster Methodist Church
Sundays, 10.30am onwards
Axminster Methodist Church Family gather for worship together at 10.30am followed by a lovely cuppa – all very welcome
Contact us
We also have a 'what three words' loaction: ///hamper.elects.pods
Use this link to go straight there.
Community Resources
A Big Thank You to our Supporters

Our New Phone Number
Website photography by kind donation from Katherine Newman Photogaphy and Josh d'A Photography (contactable via the Pippins office)